Reiki is a Japanese word, which refers to the active “Life Force” of the universe. For a long time it has been acknowledged by many of the Eastern and traditional Ethnic cultures that the universe is not just empty space but that it is filled with a dynamic energy.
The Reiki is now commonly used to refer to Dr Usui’s System of Natural Healing by channeling the universal Life Energy through the hands. Reiki helps to heal body, mind and spirit. It does this by accelerating the body’s own ability to heal itself physically and by opening the mind to the emotional and spiritual causes of disease and pain.
The flow of energy is experienced mostly as heat by both the person channeling the energy and those receiving, but it may also be experienced as a fine tingling, a tremor and in cases of extreme need a deep chill. Most people having a Reiki treatment become aware of tension dropping away while the ever chattering mind becomes still. This gives rise to a deep sense of relaxation and an overall sense of well being.
Reiki 1
Reiki First Degree is completed with a series of 4 attunements given by a Reiki Master. This level is where you are introduced to the energy and learn how to work with it. During this stage, you will learn how you and the energy will work together. You will learn how the different sensations you feel during healing are indicative of different healing aspects.
E.g. you will learn how your hands feel:
- when there is a blockage
- an old injury
- a serious injury or illness
- when there is only partial energy flow
- when the person is highly stressed etc.
We will discuss the history of Reiki. You and others will notice the difference in your level of awareness after each attunement.
Vicki Kalaila Po has been practicing and teaching Reiki for 20+ years. She has been a representative of Australia Reiki Connection, a National Reiki Organisation based in Melbourne, she worked with the Cerebral Palsy Association for over 5 years as a Reiki Facilitator and has practiced and treated many cancer patients over the years. Vicki Kalailapo was also very fortunate to spend time with the last remaining Grand Master of Usui Shiki Ryoho, Phyllis Furumotto who last visited Australia back in 2010. With her extensive knowledge and experience she will endeavour to pass on as much information as possible.
Your investment : $375
Reiki 2
Reiki Second Degree is only one attunement, but there are 3 symbols for you to learn. These symbols include one that activates second degree energy and is a power boost, one which works on a mental/emotional level, and one which enables you to send healing over distance and time. Reiki 2 intensifies your healing and brings it to another level working in the now as well as time and space.
Vicki Kalaila Po regularly uses the Reiki symbols to send distant healing to recipients worldwide via the KaHuna Bodyworks Healing Book. She is also known to use the symbols for souls making their transition into the afterlife and also for Space Clearing in residential homes and buildings where unwelcomed energies or spirits are present.
Pre-requisite for Reiki 2 is to have been attuned to Reiki 1 for 3 - 6 months. This enables you to complete the 21 day process and become familiar with the Reiki energy and its uses.
Your investment : $425
Reiki Masters
The third level is Reiki Master, which is completed with one attunement and enables the recipient to attune others to Reiki. It is the level where you agree and commit to teach others. The symbol you learn at this level is the Master symbol.
As a Reiki Master, Vicki Kalaila Po has attuned hundreds of Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 practitioners.
Vicki Kalailapo was also very fortunate to spend time with the previous Grand Master of Usui Shiki Ryoho, Phyllis Furumotto (now deceased) who last visited Australia back in 2010.
Vicki has had the honour of attuning hundreds of Reiki students to the Levels of 1 and 2. To this day, attuning only one student per year, she has now attuned 23 Reiki Masters. These Masters are now also sharing their knowledge and teachings, helping to create peace and balance to our beautiful Mother Earth.
Pre-requisite for Reiki Masters is to be attuned and to be practicing as a Reiki 2 practitioner for at least 12 months. You will need to be proficient in the teachings of Reiki, the symbols and its uses.
Your investment : $725
Reiki Share Clinic
Our clinics are available for you to become proficient with your Reiki practice. It also enables you to connect with like-minded people and for you to also receive regular healings.
Reiki Clinics are available for all Reiki practitioners who have trained with our school.
Bookings are essential and a small donation/energy exchange of $5 is much appreciated.
Clients can receive half price treatments. Go to Pricing for more info.
Student Clinic
Once trained with our school a Student Clinic is available for all students to practice their new massage skills. This is a supervised clinic for students to perform, refine and ask questions to allow them to become more confident and proficient with their massage treatments.
Bookings are essential and a small charge applies. Go to Course Pricing for details.
Clients can receive half price treatments.
Lomi Lomi Practitioner Training : Module 1
Foundation Course (2 days training)
During these two days, starting at 9am and finishing at 5pm, both days you will learn and participate in:
- Polynesian Floor Work
This is the grounding for your bodywork
- Basic Hawaiian Massage Movements
Front, back, face and scalp positions
- Huna Philosophy
This covers the Seven Principles
- Meditation
On the first principle (Ike) of the ‘Seven Principles’
On the completion of this Module we guarantee that all students will confidently be able to give a full one hour Lomi Lomi Massage. You will walk away feeling more balanced, at peace and connected with the universe.
There is no pre-requisite of massage training for this course.
Participants will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance on completion.
Your investment : $625
Please check our Course Dates for details.
Lomi Lomi Practitioner Training : Module 2
Advanced Instruction (2 days training)
This two day workshop expands on the basic strokes learnt in Module One.
- Under Body Techniques
Allows you to open up your flow and movement around the body
We will also recap on massage movements learnt in Module 1.
- Body Draining Techniques
Releasing of negative energy
- Meditation
On the second principle (Kala) of Huna
- The Four Worlds We Live In
Life perspectives
On the completion of Module 2 students will be qualified as a Lomi Lomi Massage Practitioner and will receive an International Accredited Certificate.
The pre-requisite for this course is to have completed Module 1.
Your investment : $625
Please check our Course Dates for details.
KaHuna Apprenticeship Training : Module 3
Energy & Breath Awareness (2 days training)
This in depth training goes further into Healing and Bodywork.
- Energy Awareness
- Breath Awareness
How to keep up your energy without getting tired or burnt out
The ‘Heart Breath’
- Body Reading & Body Awareness
Identifying possible areas of imbalance
- Emotional Release Techniques
Identifying different forms of emotional release
New techniques to assist a client during this process
- Meditation
On the third principle (Makia) of Huna
- Pregnancy Massage
Hawaiian Style
On the completion of Module 3 students will receive an International Accredited Certificate.
Student will be a proficient Module 3 practitioner in training, working towards completing their Diploma in KaHuna Bodywork
The pre-requisite for this course is to have completed Lomi Lomi Practitioner Training Modules 1 & 2.
Your investment : $625
Please check our Course Dates for details.
KaHuna Apprenticeship Training : Module 4
Deeper Body Techniques (2 days training)
During these two days you will learn:
- More Energy Work
Enabling you to expand your awareness, while maintaining your flow and focus.
- Deep Tissue
Using body weight, arms and elbows unblocking areas of both physical and emotional energy
- Polarity Balancing
Working with the Yin & Yang Energies
- Manawa Meditation
Fourth Principle
- Hot Rock Therapy
Placement of Hot Rocks on the body
- Astral Dancing
Developing your awareness on different levels
On the completion of Module 3 students will be receive an International Accredited Certificate.
The pre-requisite for this course is to have completed Modules 1, 2 & 3.
Student will be a proficient Module 4 practitioner in training, working towards completing their Diploma in KaHuna Bodywork
Your investment : $625
Please check our Course Dates for details.
KaHuna Diploma Training : Modules 5, 6 & 7
Soul to Soul Indepth Awareness
Your Diploma Training will take you even further into the depth of your soul's being. Learning to intertwine deeper layers within yourself and your client through connection of Body, Mind and Spirit. Becoming present and disconnecting from the regularities of life will allow you the freedom to totally become at one with yourself and Huna.
Limited interaction with the outside world during this time is required including NO mobile phones and interaction with family and friends. This is enables the group to focus within allowing the groups’ dynamics to magnify creating a spiritual unity.
Please ensure your choice of accommodation (if training is non-residential) has plenty of space and privacy allowing yourself to fully immerse with the beauty of nature and its elements.
As well as more in-depth training with the healing aspects of KaHuna Bodywork, we experience much fun, laughter and relaxation. You will also partake in a group nature excursion, sacred site dependent on the time of year and weather conditions. Lunch time meals are communal and shared vegetarian.
- Interaction of the Three Minds
- Subconscious (Unihipili)
- Conscious (Uhane)
- Super Conscious (Aumakua)
- Alternate Tools for Healing
- Sound (drums, bowls)
- Colour Reading
- Toning & Chanting (using voice)
- Crystal
- Pendulum Work
- Past Life Transfiguration
- NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
- Blind Fold Massage, Temple Style Massage, Healings
- Astral Dancing & Travelling
On the completion of Modules 5, 6 & 7 training, students will be fully qualified with a Diploma in KaHuna Bodywork and will receive an International Accredited Diploma.
The pre-requisite for this course is to have completed Modules 1 - 4.
See Course Dates for more information
Your investment : $625 per each module (for non-residential training) Price on Application for 6 day Retreat
Swedish Massage
What does this course entail :
During these two days you will learn:
The principles of massage
Practical Sequences
Strokes and movements for various parts of the body
Participants learn massage for the neck, shoulders, back, legs, arms, stomach, face and scalp.
Massage sequence is 1 1/2 hours
It will enable them to enjoy a safe and effective massage with their friends, family and clients.
Massage is a simple direct and effective therapy. A wonderful method for health maintenance, relaxation and well being.
It improves circulation, and the lymphatic system, mobilises soft tissues, develops awareness, provides comfort and relaxation and helps alleviate many minor ailments.
Course is conducted over two days
All participants will receive a manual and an Accredited Certificate
Your investment : $545
Pregnancy Massage
What will you learn? :
- Understand the unique aspects of working with pregnant women
- Traditions of Touch for Pregnancy
- Benefits of Touch during Pregnancy
- Issues with touch during Pregnancy
- Physiological and Emotional changes during Pregnancy
- Pre-cautions and Contraindications for Bodywork during Pregnancy
- Review of Standard Massage Pre-cautions for all clients
- Bodywork practices requiring pre-cautions in pregnancy
- Correct draping and positioning
- 1 hour pregnancy massage sequence
All participants will receive a training manual and a certificate
(Please note : Swedish Massage is a pre-requisite
Your investment : $365
Couples Loving Hands Massage
Reconnect, share, touch, re-ignite your passion for each other
Loving hands massage reconnects partners on a soul level, deep within your
subconscious. Re-igniting those deep passions that may have been laying
dormant for some time.
Training consists of the Hawaiian Huna Principles and a full one hour
massage sequence.
Each couple will receive a manual and a Certificate.
Your investment : $525 per couple
Ear Candling Course
What will you learn? :
- the History of ear candling
- the Human anatomy of the ear
- the Human anatomy of the sinus'
- How can Ear Candling help me?
- How does Ear Candling work?
- Often asked questions about Ear Candling
- Contraindications to treatment
- Safety instructions
- Hygiene
- Preparation before commencing a treatment
- Client Medical History
- How to conduct an Ear Candling Session (Practical)
All participants will receive a training manual and Accredited Certificate
Your investment : $325
Spiritual Energy Healing Course
What will you learn? :
What is Energy Healing and the different types of healing?
You will learn how to protect yourself from other energies
You will conduct a Spiritual Healing Session
How to use a Pendulum?
What are the Chakras and how they effect our health
Healing with Sound
Cutting Energy Cords
Space Clearing
Participants will receive a training manual and Accredited Certificate
Your investment : $365
Seated Chair Massage Training
Learn Seated Massage consisting of:
- Relaxation and stress relief for scalp, neck, shoulders & upper back
- Options of 15, 20 or 30 minute time frames
- Use in the workplace, home ... basically anywhere
Learn what the benefits are to the Workplace
Learn what the benefits are to the Individual
Rates to charge
- Charges to the workplace & individual
- Upon completion of course all students are eligible to become a registered practitioner with Kahuna Bodyworks.
Participants will receive a training manual and an Accredited Certificate.
Your investment : $325
Hot Stone Massage
A Hot Stone treatment can extend the life of a therapist by many years. Most practitioners of bodywork will, at some time suffer from injury either from strained muscles in backs, shoulders and arms to aching joints in thumbs, hands and arms. Working with Hot Stones takes the pressure off the joints, allowing the therapist to work deeper without becoming tired and at the same time, the therapist also receives the energy, knowledge and heat from the stones during a treatment.
Your training in Hot Stone Massage consists of:
- How to us your stones safely
- Contraindications
- Supplies needed
- Stones techniques
- Compression
- Moving Compression
- Stripping
- Deep Tissue Work
- Placement
- Basic Massage with Stones
- Caring for your stones
- Complete 1 1/2 hour Massage Routine
Upon completion of this one day course, students will be certified to perform a Hot Stone Massage confidently.
Participants will receive a training manual and a certificate.
Your investment : $425
For registrations and more information contact:
Phone: 0438 700 122