International School of
Massage & Energy Healing
Est. 2002


Take your soul on the ultimate journey ~ Massage, Healings, Meditation, Sound, Retreats ...


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Your investment to yourself


Take your Soul on the Ultimate Journey

Re-connect to your beautiful Soul and live the life you were born to live


Transformative KaHuna Healing Session with Kalailapo

Sessions are held in The Healing Hut, Margaret River, on-site for Animal, House & Land Clearings and remotely via Facetime or Zoom


2 hours @ $200 

1 1/2 hours @ $160

1 hour @ $120

Children (High School) @ $100

Children (Primary School) @ $90

Animal, Land, House Blessings and House Clearings @ $120-$200

(Depending on length of time and work that is needed plus Travel Costs)


Kalaila Po

will intuitively be guided by spirit and her guides to the requirements of your body, mind and spirit resulting in you feeling balanced, energised and ready to conquer the world.  

Her work is known to shift energy on all levels through the higher consciousness, conscious and sub-conscious.  Kalaila Po is a Master Teacher Healer specialising in KaHuna Shaman Energy Work & Traditional Usui Reiki. Her extensive knowledge as a Bodyworker and Energy Worker enables her to read and heal the body on an energetic level as well as the physical.

Having highly sensitive intuitive gifts and 30 years plus experience, Kalaila Po is also well recognised and acknowledged for her work with Animals (especially horses), Boodja land and Buildings/Homes.

Her extensive travels across the globe have allowed her to work and exchange knowledge with Shamans and Medicine Men/Women in countries including India, Philippines, Hawaii, Cook Islands, Outback Australia, Vietnam and Indonesia. With great honour Vicki Kalaila Po has been referred to by Aboriginal Elders as "Mubarn" a powerful medicine woman.


Each Session

(depending on the session time) is likely to commence with a card reading, followed by a chakra diagnosis. Kalaila Po will then perform a ceremonial smudge and cleanse, acknowledging energy blockages and where they are situated within the energetic and physical layers of the body.

Sound Healing will be performed using Crystal Singing Bowls where each bowl will resonate with each of your chakras to clear, balance and energise. Hands on Healing is then be performed using various modalities and working intuitively depending on what your Physical, Emotional and Spirit bodies require. On completion of your Healing Session, your imbalances will be explained and homework given to maintain a healthy balance within all energy bodies.


Modalities/Healing techniques used throughout the session may include a combination of :

Ceremonial Smudging

Aura Cleanse

Mana Balancing/12 Strands of DNA

Oracle Card Reading/Counselling

Astrological Reading

Sound Healing/Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Drums, Tuning Forks,Gong

Crystal Healing

Breath Work

Past Life Regression

Muscle Testing/Based on Kinesiology

Somatic Healing/Treating trauma

Reiki Healing/Stress reduction and symptom relief

Spiritual Healing/Causal-Soul Body

Pranic Healing/Energetic Field

Polarity Balancing/Balancing Yin/Yang Energies in the Body

Cranial Sacral Balancing/Releases tension around body/cellular connective tissue network

Psych-K/Transforming limiting beliefs

NLP/Timeline and Reframing

Access Consciousness/Subconscious Reset

Soul Alignment/Clearing old beliefs

Home & Land Adjustments

Ascended Masters/Highest evolved Beings in the Spiritual Hierarchy

Australian Flower Essence Remedies

Hawaiian Flower Essence Remedies

White Light Essence Remedies


Individual Healing Sessions using a specific modality are also available on request.


NDIS Service Provider :

Access support by using your NDIS Funding



Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers for Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Anniversaries, Christmas and all special occasions may be arranged by contacting us at




Go to 'Services' for a detailed description


2 Hour FUN Lomi Lomi Massage Workshop $150


Course Pricing


Go to 'Training' for a detailed description



Reiki I $375

Reiki II $425

Masters $725

Reiki Share Clinic - 2 hour session by donation

All Reiki Workshops are held over one day for each level.

Students will receive a manual and an Accredited certificate


Lomi Lomi Massage

Modules 1 & 2

Each Module is held over two days

Course Cost for each module is $625

Students will receive a training manual and an Accredited certificate upon completion of Modules 1 & 2


KaHuna Bodywork Apprenticeship

Modules 3 - 4

Each Module is held over two days

Course Course for each module is $625

Students will receive a training manual and an Accredited certificate upon completion of Modules 3 & 4


KaHuna Apprenticeship & Diploma

Modules 5, 6 & 7

Each module is held over 2 days or a 6 Day Retreat

Students will receive a training manual and an Accredited Diploma upon completion of Module 7


Couples Loving Hands Massage

Course is held over one day

Cost of course per couple is $525

Couples will receive a manual and Certificate of Attendance


Swedish Massage

Course is held over two days

Cost of course is $545

Students will receive a training manual and Accredited certificate 


Seated Chair Massage

Course is held over 5 hours

Cost of course is $325

Students will receive a training manual and Accredited certificate


Hot Stone Massage

Course is held over one day

Cost of course is $425

Students will receive a training manual and Accredited certificate 


Ear Candling

Course is held over 5 hours  

Cost of course is $325

Students will receive a training manual, Accredited certificate and a pair of ear candles


Spiritual Energy Healing

Course is held over one day

Cost of course is $365

Students will receive a training manual and Accredited certificate 


Pregnancy Massage

Course is held over one day

Cost of course is $365

Students will receive a training manual and certificate 


Private Tuition

Private classes can be arranged for students unable to make scheduled classes.


There is an additional charge for this service due to :


- the allocation of extra training days

- having to block out days where I would usually be seeing clients and scheduled classes

- time taken to arrange times and organise availability of practice models


Additional fee includes:


1:1 Personalised Tuition

Privately allocated training day

Two practice models for each course will be arranged

A take home printed Course Manual

Internationally Accredited Certificate


A two day course timeframe is reduced to one day as you will be practicing only and not receiving massage.

You will also have my undivided attention when asking questions and practicing your moves.


2 day courses - an additional cost of $200

1 day course - an additional cost of $150









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